Leon Pahole

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How exercising less intensely helped me become healthier

10 minPersonalHealth

Written by Leon Pahole

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Exercise - we all know we have to do it, but the thought of spending hours upon hours in the gym doing painful and intense exercises doesn't exactly sound the most inviting. Still, I kept up with a pretty intense exercise routine for many years - until I decided to bring it down a notch. I made my workouts shorter and less intense, which made me the healthiest I've ever been. But how? It sounds paradoxical - shouldn't exercising less make me less healthy?

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Don't use the programmer stereotype to justify bad habits

7 minPersonal

Written by Leon Pahole

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The typical programmer stereotype is humorous, but it can also be used as a justification for bad habits. In my case, this sprung out of control until I could no longer take it and became honest with myself. The blog post details the beginning of my ongoing journey from a typical programmer to a healthy, productive programmer.

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Keeping a positive outlook: turning bad into good

3 minPersonal

Written by Leon Pahole

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Life is full of ups and downs, and the older I get, the more complicated and overwhelming the world seems. It seems that the only option to not become overwhelmed is to keep a positive outlook no matter what. In this blog post, I describe my way of doing that: turning every negative into a positive.

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I'm not afraid to not know things anymore

12 minPersonalLearning

Written by Leon Pahole

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Knowledge is an asset. The passion to learn can be a great trait until it turns into insecurity or stress. In this blog post, I describe my struggle with the fear of not knowing things, and my new learning system, which allows me to focus on things that matter and sleep better at night.

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