Leon Pahole

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Managing Perfectionism in Software Engineering

10 minMindset

Written by Leon Pahole

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Perfectionism is a double-edged sword - depending on the situation, it can be a great asset or a liability that holds us back. In this article, I share my experience with perfectionism as a software engineer, and how I'm learning to control it so it doesn't control me.

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Handling stressful situations, part 3: The retrospective

8 minMindset

Written by Leon Pahole

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This blog post is part of a series on how I handle stressful and difficult situations to stay calm and collected, perform to the best of my abilities, and grow from the experience. In this post, I discuss the retrospective that I conduct after a stressful situation, which helps me to learn from the experience and grow.

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Handling stressful situations, part 1: The Preparation Routine

9 minMindset

Written by Leon Pahole

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This blog post is part of a series on how I handle stressful and difficult situations to stay calm and collected, perform to the best of my abilities, and grow from the experience. In this post, I discuss my preparation routine, which takes place before a stressful event - whether it's minutes, hours, or days away.

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Cultivating the adaptable mindset

5 minMindset

Written by Leon Pahole

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The adaptable mindset is the idea that one should be confident in what they can learn. The idea applies to all walks of life, but for me, it was the most useful in my career as a web developer. In this blog post, I've detailed how having an adaptable mindset helps me deal with negative emotions, how I back it with action and, perhaps most importantly, why I find joy in it.

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